Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Will Choose
Direction Determines Destination

Nobody wants to be lost. Getting lost is a process, not a quick event. It takes time to get lost.

While driving one time, I thought I was heading east but i was really heading west. About a hour later I came to a place and said "how did I get here?" It seemed impossible, my best intentions were to go east. I felt confident and comfortable in my surroundings, yet my destination was not at all what my intentions were.

My intentions and confidence did not alter my destination in any way, the direction was east and i was going . . . east.

So it can be in our spiritual life, our heart may want a Christ like destinaiton, but if we don't purpose to choose the correct path, we end up at the wrong destination. When we make a choice to a Christ like destination and then along the way end up choosing the wrong direction, we find ourselves frustrated and lost.

Pick your destination, where or what is it that God is calling you to? Choose the right direction to get to that destination. Make every effort to continually check your direction along the journey, go the right direction, - end up at the right destination.

Psalm 25
Show me your ways o Lord
Teach me your paths
Lead me in your truth and teach me
for you are the God of my Salvation
on You I wait all the day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

“BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD” What does that mean . . . “Be Still” My thoughts race as I think of how this should be done. How this problem I face should be handled. How right I am and how wrong that person is. Why can’t they see it like I see it, I know I am right, or maybe even I question myself, why can’t I see it like they see it. Maybe I really am wrong and they are right. Maybe it is some of both, and its both our faults. I know my mind is racing a 100 miles per hour with tons and tons of thoughts on this matter . . . and . . . it’s then I realize . . . I am so far from God, so far from being STILL. I think that when God calls me to be still He really wants me to STOP. Stop thinking, Stop solving, Stop justifying my actions, Stop judging, just S-T-O-P. When I do stop it’s me and God . . . just us . . . no one else, no other circumstance, no other problem, no other issue, and now I see myself standing very still before the creator of the universe. His Glory overtakes me, His Greatness makes me look so small, His Holiness makes me feel so sinful, His Beauty takes my breath away, His knowledge makes me understand that I don’t know everything, His love encompasses me and I feel free, His righteousness reassures me, His Authority humbles me. Everything he is draws me to Him. I see the Cross now, the ultimate sacrifice, Jesus, Gods son for my. I bow in humility. I want to bring honor to God, I want to bring glory to the King of Kings, I want you lord to use me. and again I notice I am STILL This is where I want to be, here is the center of God. I want to know how I got here and how I stay here. I got here from a trial or conflict. I don’t remember what is was anymore . . . or at least is sure seems unimportant at this point. I stay here by remaining still, focused on God. As trials and tribulations come toward me, if I remain in this place . . . still and focused on God, they too are unable to harm me. Now I know what it means “Be Still and Know That I am God”. Lord keep me here, still and focused on you.

Today is a beautiful day! The weather is great, life is good, and I have a Blog.