Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Will Choose
Direction Determines Destination

Nobody wants to be lost. Getting lost is a process, not a quick event. It takes time to get lost.

While driving one time, I thought I was heading east but i was really heading west. About a hour later I came to a place and said "how did I get here?" It seemed impossible, my best intentions were to go east. I felt confident and comfortable in my surroundings, yet my destination was not at all what my intentions were.

My intentions and confidence did not alter my destination in any way, the direction was east and i was going . . . east.

So it can be in our spiritual life, our heart may want a Christ like destinaiton, but if we don't purpose to choose the correct path, we end up at the wrong destination. When we make a choice to a Christ like destination and then along the way end up choosing the wrong direction, we find ourselves frustrated and lost.

Pick your destination, where or what is it that God is calling you to? Choose the right direction to get to that destination. Make every effort to continually check your direction along the journey, go the right direction, - end up at the right destination.

Psalm 25
Show me your ways o Lord
Teach me your paths
Lead me in your truth and teach me
for you are the God of my Salvation
on You I wait all the day.

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